
Showing posts from April, 2023

A Star not Known

                                            She had a language of her own, Her own way to show her love and care, She would meet people as if It has been years to the bond they share. Her eyes can touch the scars You've been hiding for long, She would cares the flaws, As that made one strong. She is a gorgeous mess, Composed of the pieces broken down, Her smile is starlit, And there's beauty even in her frown. Some people started to envy her, And tried to bring her to their size, As it isn't easy to appreciate someone When you're made up of endless lies. They tried to compress her sky, And condense her inner starlight, But they couldn't make her universe shrink, And she shined brighter every night. Soo she realized her own World was enough strong And she has been looking for beauty everywhere, But it lies right where she belongs.


                                    Sometimes i feel like i am simply being 'passed into different hands. We make homes out of people, only to pack up our things and move and move and move. there is a lot of myself still residing in cardboard boxes. i am too scared to find a place for it. i hover at your doorstep. you look like exactly where i need to be right now. but i've got a pocket full of old keys to remind me to never overstay my welcome. invite me in anyway. there is something about you that makes me want more than anything to give all this another try.


                                                    You asked me again ...again to be part of your company . Where i can do all those things which only you are entitled to. I am not aware about those things , that i deserve in my life. But my own appearance and behavior help me to approach only few people in my life whom i can take as an idol personality to follow on.    You are the one who is on priority. I always want to be like you , live like you and most importantly i would like to do everything whatever you are doing. Even i started assuming that as im younger than you , so i can do even more and better things , by following your footprints.         Wake up from dream!       Everyone have their own destiny , so do i have but different than you. I cant say it will be good or more degradable than im currently living. But i cant fake more things. I want to stop pretending everything which i was doing since this much long time.           Still I have no courage to say directly no to

Love Again

                                                       I want you to stay Don't leave me here alone I want you to stay I cannot let you go   I'm calling out your name I'm trying to be okay I'm crying on my bed Who said that I'll be okay?   Cuz I know that love is pain Please don't go away from me again Promise me that you'll come back I can't stop loving you again   Loving you again Again Loving you again Again

I Promise You

                                  I can't promise you that dark clouds will never hover over our lives or that the future will bring us many rainbows. I can't promise you that tomorrow will be perfect or that life will be easy. I can promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect, and my unconditional love for a lifetime. I can promise that I'll always be here for you, to listen and to hold your hand, and I'll always do my best to make you happy, and make you feel loved. I can promise that I'll see you through any crisis, and pray with you, dream with you, build with you, and always cheer you on and encourage you. I can promise that I'll willingly be your protector, your advisor, your counselor, your friend, your family, your everything. I promise you.

You, all mine

                                                  I'm in love with you and your entire being. Your hands and the way they hold mine. Your eyes and the way they smile at mine. Your lips and the way they fit with mine. Everything about you. And it's all mine.

I want You,

                                           I want your body pressed up against my heart. I want your hands spreading my thoughts, Lingering over the curves of my passions, gripping my hopes, stroking my opinions, and cupping my desires. I want your soul breathing heavily against my collarbones. I want your thoughts nibbling on my ears, your passions pressed against my lips, your hopes naked on my skin, your opinions hard under my hands and your desires... I want your desires letting out soft little moans against my soul. I want you.

I will Love you, until End of Time

                                         I will love you as long as the sun burns in the sky, as long as the moon shines its light into the dark night, until the raging blue oceans become calm and run dry. I will love you until the end of time.

Empty Feelings

                                  Few people come to therapy because they feel empty inside. It's not a disorder in and of itself like anxiety or depression. Nor is it experienced by most people as a symptom that interferes  with their lives. It's more a generic feeling of discomfort, a lack of being filled up that may come and go. Some people experience it physically, as an empty space in their belly or chest. Others experience it more as an emotional numbness. You may have a general sense that  you're missing something that everybody else has, or that you're on the outside looking in. Something just isn't right, but it's hard to name. It makes you feel somehow set apart, disconnected,  as if you're not enjoying life as you  should.     I have found that most emotionally neglected people who come to therapy for anxiety, depression,  or family- related problems, for example, eventually express these empty feelings in some way. Typically the emptiness it chro


  You filled me with lies Left me here asking why Months gone by, Feeling rage, building inside It isn't fair I know we were an odd pair, But I didn't care Everything felt right with you by my side You made me laugh You peeled my mask All the stories we shared The way you held me when I was scared I thought you truly cared I was completely unprepared, for the damage you would cause You took advantage of my soul And left a bleeding hole Do you know how much you've stole? Each word a blow I am at a low, bleeding slow Needing you out of my mind I am resigned to leave you behind.

Never let go

                                         isn't life such a funny thing? at any given moment, we could get everything we've wanted, or have it all taken away. at any second in time, we could make the best decision of our lives or the worst. don't you think life is the most fragile and frightening thing? doesn't it make you want to hold on with both hands and  never let go?

This is how it works

                                           i know now that this is how it works you don't get to keep everyone in your life forever there are some people that are just meant to be a sunrise for you a light to pull you out of darkness there are friends, lovers, relationships that are seasonal and no matter how deep of a conversation you had with that person at 2 am no matter how deep of a conversation you had with that person at 2 am no matter how much you shared your heart even if you can still draw the lines of their smile like the map of a too familiar road in the back of your mind there almost always comes a time to move on a time to let go and regardless of the letting go i just wanted you to know you're always going to feel a little bit like home to me no matter how temporary it is still beautiful that i got to call so many hearts my home

walking you home

                                        a secret? i miss you the most when it rains. it reminds me of the spotted umbrella i used to carry everywhere. how when it started to rain you would run up behind me like a bird seeking shelter. and how i would tip the umbrella your way- make room for you in more ways than one. a secret? i scarcely carry an umbrella these days. most of the time, i'm too tired to run for cover, too tired to keep missing you like i do. when it rains i always lose my balance- alwyas trip up somewhere down memory lane. and my heart ends up soaking like wet socks from a puddle i didn't see coming. a secret? i saw you coming. i just wanted another excuse to walk you home.

Friday afternoon thoughts

 Though im too much depressed and alone right now specially when in afternoon time,  im at office place surrounding by number of people. But what can you do , sometime you become so incapable to control your own thoughts.     Weekends make me dull and frustrated, but this is Friday . Around 2 in afternoon i started to count my insecurities toward life. Things im scared to do , specially to be surround by people where i keeps on counting my failures . Start remembering every decision which took me to three steps back in life. That how i turned out to be  loser with zero financial stability , zero planning for future , and moreover no love life . But thanks to our office policies where on Friday and Saturdays we are allowed to play music with work...     "Never thought that you could fall for someone like me....."                           I'm too optimistic person who can live with positive attitude and at the same time i can make it more beautiful by reminding good moment

It's okay

                                            'It's okay' She whispers to herself. 'It's okay' But is it? She gave everything she had to others. She carved her own soul for the people around her. But now, when she needs the same, she has no one to turn to. No one will rescue them. So she sits on the floor, telling herself 'it's okay' knowing it'd not, knowing it will never be. Didn't I tell you, my love? You're all alone.

This is what you shall do

                                                   This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest  fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every  motion and joint of your body.


                                       Her eyes are blue Yours are brown Hers represents the ocean Yours represents the ground You've always hated your eyes And wished that they were blue But your eyes have a tint of gold So rare it must not be true So yes her eyes are blue And yes your eyes are brown But your eyes hold the riches That are buried in the ground Her eyes carry storms And rage like the sea Your eyes carry earthquakes That bring mountains to their knees Maybe her eyes are blue But your eyes reign queen Because they hold the purest riches The world has ever seen

The Road Not Taken

                                        Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equallu lay In Leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Tow roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.