A Star not Known


She had a language of her own,

Her own way to show her love and care,

She would meet people as if

It has been years to the bond they share.

Her eyes can touch the scars

You've been hiding for long,

She would cares the flaws,

As that made one strong.

She is a gorgeous mess,

Composed of the pieces broken down,

Her smile is starlit,

And there's beauty even in her frown.

Some people started to envy her,

And tried to bring her to their size,

As it isn't easy to appreciate someone

When you're made up of endless lies.

They tried to compress her sky,

And condense her inner starlight,

But they couldn't make her universe shrink,

And she shined brighter every night.

Soo she realized her own

World was enough strong

And she has been looking for beauty everywhere,

But it lies right where she belongs.


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