

There is a reason the sky gets dark at night.

We were not meant to see everything all the time.

We are meant to rest and trust under this bold, full

dark sky. Because no matter how heavy the shadow

fill the night, in time, we will see morning sunlight.

We will see that even though we were tired, weary, and we

could not see the ground beneath our feet, somehow, we

still moved forward. We still pushed through.

And it might take years to see how all of

this comes together. We might not always see

the pieces fall in place in the timeframe in which

we desired. But this does not have to stop us from resting,

and trusting that we will not always be here. We are not stuck at this 

stage. As terrifying as they may be, our present

uncertainties will not last forever. The pieces will

come together in their time. We will grow in the way we were 

meant to: older and wiser with each day. And that is a

beautiful thing. Even when we did not notice it. Even

in the darkness. We are on our way. Growing in grace and wisdom

each day.


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