I hope you know


I hope you know that you are deserving of everything

you want in life. You deserve to fall in love with some-

one who cares for you in the softest way, someone

who drives you and believes in you and is always in

your corner -- not just when it easy, but when it is 

hard, too. You deserve to be that person for yourself

as well. You deserve to be surrounded by people who

grow your mind, people who make you better because 

they push you to be better. You deserve that anything is 

possible, the kind that empowers your voice and your

ideas and your capacity to seek out the things that you

desire. You deserve moments of pure and intense hap-

piness, the kind that make you feel your heart beating

against your chest, the kind that dizzy you and make

you realize that everything will be okay. Because it will

be. It will be. You deserve to be chosen. You deserve

to be loved the way you love others. At the end of the

day, you deserve to be inspired by your life. I hope you

never forget that.


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