Change the way you think


Thinking deeply enough to understand the real point.

It's not to discover what you'd actually do if you

didn't have to worry about money, it's about the 

essence of what you'd do and how you can incorporate 

that into your everyday life. Would you vacation,

would you keep your current job? It just goes to show 

you whether you value relaxation or accomplishments

or whatever else, and understanding what you value is 

crucial to understanding who you are.

  Take photos to remember happy moments, not prove 

that you looked good or did something cool. Make

a special album on your phone just for " happy moments."

When you feel good or are enjoying yourself or have 

some kind of revelation, just take a photo of 

whatever's in front of you ( however unworthy of 

Instagram it is). When you look back at these

seemingly random snapshots, you'll experience those

feelings all over again. You'll see, by contrast,

the emotional difference between capturing the 

moments that matter to you and creating moments

to matter for other people.

   Identify the "people" you always think are judging

you. You know how people always say that? " People

are judging me." "I', worried about what people will 

think." Most of the time, those " people" are a 

faceless crowd that only exist in your mind. In other

words, they're you, projected outward. It's what

you're judging yourself for. The first step is realizing

that the "people" you worry about don't really exist.

      Think about what makes you feel the most jealous.

The things that make us the most jealous and envious are 

usually the things that we feel we're not living up to 

within ourselves. We're jealous of the beautiful girl 

not because we want to be beautiful like her, but 

because we're lacking something so much more important,

which is love for ourselves. We're jealous of the 

successful writer not because we also want to be lauded,

but because we know we're not doing the work to get there.


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