How fast things change


It's crazy how fast things change, how we are in love one day and you won't answer my text in next. how do you fall out of love that quickly? or the question is did you really love me? i was madly in love. the look you would give me when we talked, or the feeling of being by your side. You told me you still loved me, that love doesn't go away for you.

but you don't love me enough to be with me. i think our versions of love are different, you never give up on someone you love. and you were quick to leave me. i told you everything, i let down my walls i had built to protect me from boys like you. and after all the pain and hurt you put me through all you could say is, it's just how you feel. you love her. you will always love her and your so in love you can't see that she doesn't need you. Your her fallback boy, when the person she likes doesn't like her back she falls to you until she finds someone new. she does what  you do to me. i wish you were still in love with me, that things could go back to the way they were, but it doesn't work like that don't miss me, or love me. and all i can do is let go.


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