


The pain will hold on gently

As you move throughout your day

You'll try to shake it softly

But quickly learn it wants to stay

It lingers in the corner 

It follows you around

Juts when you think you've lost it

You learn no solace can be found

So here's a trick, I've learned a few

For me and pain, we're good old friends

And pain's afraid of love, you see

Because love, it always mends

So openup your eyes a bit

Inhale deep and strong

Look for the twinkle of loves presence

That surrounds you all day long

It could be here, it could be there

A thought, a mile, a gift

Look for the love in every moment

And your pain will start to shift

Just start small, and whynot now

Find something good to think of

Pain will shy away, you'll see

When what you focus on is love

And bit by bit , you'll chip away

At that old block you now call pain

And when you're finished chipping

You'll find that pain has a new name


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