

they warn us to not make homes out of people.

they say it will hurt too much while the're gone.

but what are these beating hearts good for

if not to be a place for others to belong?

my heart is a home with many rooms

with empty spaces for people to stay,

and sometimes we are lucky and find ones

who remain with us even when they are away.

i'm forever making homes out of people,

scattering bits of myself in the ones i trust.

and yes, it's messy but trust me it's better

than keeping them to myself collect dust.

there are parts of others you need to take care of

and parts of yourself you need to give,

and while missing people is like being homesick,

i think this is how we are meant to live.

because we all have certain people

that for some reason feel like the safety of home.

it's true that withoutt them you might feel lonely

but at least you are not doing life alone.


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