

If you've listened close to silence,

I'm sure that you have heard,

The gentle constant ringing,

In the space between two words,

When you really pay attention,

You find it's not just in your head,

But instead is whispers of the words,

The world has left unsaid,

It's " I love you" left unspoken,

And a mothers last goodbye,

That she never had the chance to say,

As she watched her daughter die,

It's forgiveness never given,

And a "sorry" left too late,

That would have saved a best friends life,

If they'd known it could not wait,

It's a phrase that could have helped them,

And it's secrets that could heal,

It's words from those too scared to say,

The truth of how they feel,

But you have an advantage,

For you're still alive to speak,

Words that could help save a life,

Or give strength to someone weak,

So many you never leave unspoken,

Words the whole world ought to hear,

Before they just become the ringing,

In another person's ear


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