

i know right now you feel broken

like a pile of shattered glass.

as though your wishes are all strewn

like dandelion seeds in the grass.

i know you feel like a snowflake

tumbling wildly on its fall.

you had hoped for a soft landing

but you're still swept up in it all.

bur your dreams aren't birthday candles

that you have one chance to blow.

and failure isn't permanent-

it just gives you room to grow.

the earth has its tragedies too,

but it's still a beautiful place.

just look at all the miracles

staring you right in the face:

broken windows can be repaired.

brand new dandelions can sprout.

and flames can be reignited

even when you blow them out.

it's the world's way of telling you

you're going to be just fine.

all you have to do

is give it a bit of time.


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