I Think Love is Something That Happens to Other People


like winning the lottery/ or finding God in your sock drawer.
I think love is something
that happens to other people nebulous,
distant, an invention of the movies; I think love is like death/as in,
it happens to everyone/ to you,
until it happens/ to you,
and then where else could you be
but in love? Where else could you be but in
the belly of the beast, ? that oozing cavern
where people go in fairy tales? I think
is a creation. I think maybe you shape it
with your hands, I think maybe you find it
stuck in your molars, I think maybe it comes to you
when you're in the shower, your face tilted
towards the water while your mind melts somewhere
else, I think maybe
we've all been naming it
You know that love? That falling-to your-knees love?
That where'd - the water-go love? That
coffee-creamer love? That what-we talk-about-when-
talk-about-love love? You ever felt what? I mean,
really felt any of that?/ Yeah, tell me again
how you feel it. Yeah, tell me again/ how it fills
the chest, fills the head, fills the
lungs. Tell me
what it means to find God in your sock drawers. Tell me


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