Anxiety hold me, tightly.

It creeps in , ever so slightly,

Sometimes whispers,

Sometimes yells,

But it will be heard.

I believe I am strong,

But oh, how I am wrong,

Self-doubt, negativity and hurt,

To name a few,

The list goes on,

It's easy for anxiety to do.

Punch to the gut.

Head constructs,

Terrible thoughts.

Stare at the mirror

And see my flaws,

Disgusted and ashamed

of my reflection.

Anxiety through my eyes,

And out of my mouth.

Boss me around.

Toss words without care,

Watch them unravel.

I listen, unable, to take control.

Anxiety holds power.

Insecurity runs deep,

Permanent scars, no one can see.

Anxiety presses upon my chest,

I sometimes wonder , am I possessed?

But then I remember,

I am depressed and stressed.

It waits, it creeps in,

Ever so slightly,

Anxiety holds me, tightly.


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