When you find yourself


When you start losing yourself

in huge and noisy crowds,

trusting people for who you believe they are

rather who they say they are,

believing in kindness and compassion so much,

you start to think that every human

you meet is as kind and as compassionate

as you are.


When you find yourself

slipping away into the pit of darkness

after you thought you conquered all your demons,

feeling anxious before making an order

even when you have rehearsed it 10 times,

pouring your heart out to a stranger,

but making enemies out of all the people you know.

When you find yourself,

giving people a 100 chances before they

break you into millions of pieces,

slashing one of your arms' cause you

can't bear the sight of someone struggling,

always being just to people who once

turned on their backs when you needed them.

when you find yourself,

pushing people away' cause you think

you aren't good enough,

thinking about fairy tales in wonderland

when the reality leaves you crying on the 

cold hard ground,

giving a piece of yourself to everyone you

meet to near the day when there wouldn't

be much left of you.

that there's a stranger

writing this for you

cut from the same cloth as you

just remember that you're good enough,

beautiful enough and kind enough

to let the world be on one side

and your golden heart and ivory sword on the other.

Just remember


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