I wished to be your destination



Kiss me with all your heart

This unacceptable true feeling

suits us well

Sweeping across the moon and the vermilion gate

cool wind find its effort vain

Beneath the tranquility

The world sees sacrifices 

Playful and simple I am

Hate to stay neutral and forbearing

Candles burnt out

so would my life

being with you

My life would be worth it

I wished to be your destination

Hold a Lamp and read for you

not poem of love

or book of tears

May I chase it for life

Not stained with dust

Be attended by love

May I follow your path

The drizzle

will heal the wound

May my youth 

Recall the remains

Be devoted even when I'm down

Thanks for your affection

The end is like the beginning

Once in lifetime 

I fell for you


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